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Director’s Corner: Bill Humbert

highlight_photo_bill_humbertBill Humbert – Director of Pinnacle Leadership

Mr. Humbert has been involved in education and developing student leadership for over 20 years. He is currently the Director of Bands at Glendale Community College in Glendale, Arizona. His duties at the college include serving as the director of the concert band program, coordinating and teaching the instrumental music education program, as well as, teaching courses in conducting and music theory.

In addition to his duties at Glendale Community College, Mr. Humbert is active throughout the country as a clinician and adjudicator in the areas of marching band, jazz band, and concert band. He has been the recipient of many awards for excellence in teaching. Mr. Humbert’s fresh, enthusiastic, and entertaining approach to education provides a positive experience that helps motivate others to be their very best.

Visit Bill Humbert’s website Pinnacle Leadership for additional information.
